About Me

I have a confession.  I am not 100 percent raw. I am a full-time wife and mother and part-time raw vegan chef. I cook for my husband. He likes meat. I have been vegetarian for several years. Three and a half years ago when I discovered the raw lifestyle, I wasn't sure how I could still cook for my family. I love to play in the kitchen. I have always loved creating in my kitchen, baking especially. My world was turned upside down. When I stopped eating wheat and dairy all my asthma symptoms disappeared. I could actually breathe. It was amazing. My family thought I had gone crazy but recognized that I was much, much healthier. I have been 100 percent raw for periods of time. I feel incredible, healthy, energetic, I sleep better when I am eating this way. But it is challenging. When I started looking at raw recipe books I was very discouraged. Sometimes hours of preparation to are needed to make one meal using ingredients I had never heard of. When I became a raw vegan chef two years ago I decided to start teaching people the recipes that I like to use. I keep things simple and easy. I may use some exotic ingredients but for the most part my recipes consist of just a few ingredients and very little time. My intent is to show people how easy it is to introduce tasty alternatives into their lives. Going 100 percent raw is not for everyone, but anyone can chose to eat healthier.  I hope you enjoy my recipes. I love to hear feedback.